Thankfully, Crash 4 does have some new tricks up its hairy sleeve. This game feels like it has a foot in the current times and a foot firmly stuck back in the past. Sane Trilogy), then you’ll feel at home with Crash 4. If you liked the first three games (or the N. The Crash games, of course, didn’t stop there, but to place yourself as the fourth official game, they are putting it in a very specific company. While the original Crash Bandicoot games were a product of their time, the platforming genre has come so far since then. Crash 4 is a 3D platformer, navigating levels from a fixed view as you smash crates, collect wumpa fruit and spin into enemies…oh, and you die a lot.

If you haven’t, then what the hell are you doing jumping in at the fourth game?! Nah, it’s ok you don’t need to have an advanced diploma in Crash lore to play this game.

If you played the original Crash Bandicoot games, you know exactly what to expect here. Crash and his sister Coco need to find all four masks, stop Cortex and N.Tropy and save the multiverse like it’s no big deal. Their escapade has also awoken the Quantum Masks, alerting Crash’s friend and floating mask guy, Aku Aku, to something big and bad happening. Neo Cortex, N.Tropy and Uka Uka are still trapped in a time prison from the third game, but not for long! Not only do they break out, but this also causes tears in the fabric of time and space.

So does this old bandicoot still spin with the best? This gives Crash 4 a tough act to follow, with nostalgia for the original trilogy still pretty high. Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s about time is the eighth Crash game, but in the spirit of time travel, let’s assume half of those games no longer exist. After a long break without Crash Bandicoot, now a year doesn’t go by without him! This year it’s about time the Switch got the latest Crash game.